Saturday, March 2, 2013

Abe and George

We finished our Abraham Lincoln paragraph and wrote a paragraph about George Washington. Here is a picture of the George's we made to go with our writing! The kids loved learning interesting facts about both presidents.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Abraham Lincoln!

Tomorrow is Lincoln's birthday! To celebrate we spent our literacy time learning all about Honest Abe. First we read the book Abe Lincoln's Hat by Martha Brenner. Kids loved learning that this famous president was so disorganized and forgetful that he put his important papers and letters in his tall black hat. Next kids read books at their level from

After sharing the facts that we learned about Abe, the second graders decided what they wanted to write in their paragraph about him. We brainstormed a list of topic sentences and kids started writing. Our target today was to write a topic sentence, three details and a concluding sentence. Kids got started on their details and after we brainstormed concluding sentences.

Then kids used a tracer and made Abe's beard and hat. Together we drew his face. Here they are! I'll post some of their writing when we are finished!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Owls, owls, owls!

Earlier in the year we did a mini unit on owls. It was almost as fun as the spider unit, but owls aren't creepy and gross, so they just aren't as thrilling to an 8 year old.

We started out by asking questions that we had about owls. Then we dove into books and articles. I made note taking sheets for the kids to use which can be found on my teachers pay teachers site:

We made an "I learned, I wonder" chart and an owls are, owls have, owls can chart. Kids loved sharing what they had learned and naturally asked questions as they learned more.

After gathering facts and getting to know more about owls, each child chose one species of owls to learn more about.

Our writing target for the week was to come up with an interesting introduction. We brainstormed a list of possible ways to start our writing which you can see below.

When we finished our research each child wrote an owl book with owl facts and facts about a certain type of owl, like a Snowy owl. Then kids made an owl cover and we had owl books!
Can, are, have chart
Questions to use as hooks for our owl books 

One owl book 

Drawing of a barn owl for the owl book 

Find my owl unit on teachers pay teachers!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Polar Animal Art

Last week we made polar animals. We are following it up by learning all about penguins. I guess I did it backwards, making the cute art first, but I got the kids excited about penguins to kick off our unit!  The kids followed simple directions to make half circles, arches, ovals and rectangles. In less than half an hour the kids created polar bears or penguins.

I found the project on Pinterest. Here's what the kids made: